Sunday, September 28
Join The Cheap Seats and Cat Wilson for the final installment of our LoveLocal Fest Summer Series! Cat will be there from 11am to 1pm but the fun lasts all day!
The Fest will again host over 50 vendors including some of our favorite local artists, designers + makers. Enjoy a full lineup of live music from some #lovelistenlocal favs including Kathleen Healy Music, 6 East, Smoke and Mirrors, Catie Flynn Band, Bruce Maclean and Sarah Swain and the Oh boys!
Join them for vendors, food trucks, family friendly activities (with a little help from Cape Cod Child Development, YMCA Cape Cod + Cape Cod Organic Moms/Cape Cod Organic Kids) and an overall awesome day by the water celebrating why we LOVE living in our LOCAL! Bring a blanket + make a day out of it…we’ll see you there!