27th Annual Evening By the Sea Auction
July 25 – 5:30PM
Wianno Club, Osterville
Evening by the Sea jazzes it up this year with dancing to White Heat, swing jazz, and bidding on exquisite original art, fabulous trips and other unique items. Browse the silent auction while enjoying cocktails in the ballroom, then head outside to an elegant tent along the water’s edge for a delicious New Orleans inspired dinner buffet, a festive live auction and dancing. Your fun-filled evening will benefit the patients, clients and families of HopeHealth.
Tickets are $150. Call (508) 957-0254 or purchase online.
2014 auction items include:
One week stay at an oceanfront condo on St. John Island located in the U.S. Virgin Islands
Golf foursome including carts at The Wianno Club in Osterville
Original artwork by some of the Cape’s top artists, including Bill Davis, Karol Wyckoff and Nancy Cole
Children’s fire truck birthday party in the Centerville-Osterville-Marstons Mills Fire District (COMM District)
One night stay for two with breakfast at the Chatham Bars Inn